Tamil Nadu Calls for Faster Approval for Apple’s Contract Manufacturer

CXO TVnews
Oct 28, 2022


Tamil Nadu has requested the central government to expedite its approval for an investment proposal from Luxshare, a Chinese contract manufacturer of Apple.

Luxshare, which assembles iPhones, Apple Watches, and AirPods, has proposed to set up manufacturing facilities in Chennai for Apple. It will be the third manufacturer after Foxconn and Pegatron to set up facilities in the state.

The Tamil Nadu Government cleared a proposal in January 2021 from Luxshare to take over the Motorola phone manufacturing unit and invest around Rs 750 crore. According to sources, the Chinese company will have to get all relevant security clearances before being allowed to operate in India.

Originally published at https://cxotv.techplusmedia.com on October 28, 2022.

